Monday, December 20, 2010
Ingredients: 200 gr
d 'Alcohol 95th (the original recipe, it provides 250 gr) 500 gr
d' Water
500 grams of sugar
75 grams of cocoa powder
0.5 g Vanilla
Heat the water without boiling and slowly add the cocoa mix to make no lumps; now add the sugar gradually and mix until you form a smooth paste, allow to cool. Melt vanilla
with alcohol, add cream, mix, and imbottiggliare.
Liqueur is ready to be consumed ... Best served cold
up of glasses of chocolate ....
.... but also to "correct" the coffee .....
sublime .... or over ice cream .....
Store in refrigerator.
PS: I have prepared double dose to make small Christmas gifts as we are forthcoming at parties ... !!
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