Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The idea for this goodness I took the blog to "talk and Pies ".... then I changed a little .....
ingredients for the dough: 150 gr flour
150 gr flour 00 gr yeast
4 granules Mastro Fornaio
100 ml of warm milk
50 g butter
1 egg 3 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon
Ingredients for the Filling: 2 Eggplants
300 g cherry tomatoes
200 grams of provolone, sweet or spicy
Olive oil Garlic Salt
Prepare the dough first
mixing flour, yeast, sugar, salt, aggiungre egg, milk, and finally the butter.
Work the mixture well and place in refrigerator for 3 hours.
Cut the eggplant into small cubes salt them and leave them in a colander for half an hour for you to lose the bitterness.
Sauté the garlic in some oil, the cubes dry with paper towel eggplant and transfer to skillet.
Cut the tomatoes into wedges and salt them.
After the interval of rest in the fridge pasta roll giving it an oval shape in a sheet of greaseproof paper, make cuts on the edges of the dough along the longest side.
Place in the middle half of the eggplant, tomatoes, dried of excess water and sprinkle with oregano Provola pieces, make another layer as its predecessor. Fold sides of dough
shorter inward and form the braid with the edges of the long side, seal tightly with wet fingertips.
Place to rise for another hour.
Bake at 170 degrees for 30 minutes.
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