Saturday, February 26, 2011
The recipe I have "unearthed" at The Best of Salt and Pepper and intrigued me not a little ... .
Next time ... but I will use the pasta machine to roll the dough thinner ....
300 gr Flour
50 grams of sugar 3 eggs
250 grams of acacia honey
oranges 1 lemon
200 grams of dark chocolate 80%
oil for frying
Collect the ingredients in a bowl, combine sugar, eggs and about half dl of cold water.
Blend together until a smooth paste.
Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let rest for 30 '.
Sterderla with a rolling pin into a layer of about 2 mm.
derive many discs with a diameter of 6 cm, cut the edges and fry in a 5-point abbondanante oil for a few minutes.
Thoroughly wash the orange and lemon, finely grated zest in a saucepan and mix with honey.
Bring the pan and leave on low heat to warm the honey until the mixture becomes fluid. Dip in honey
washers one at a time and let them drain on a wire rack cake.
Melt the chopped chocolate in a dl of water on low heat. Serve
rosettes with chocolate sauce .......