Thursday, February 5, 2009

12 Weeks Pregnant With No Discharge

February 25 election to the Board of Directors

Please note that the elections for the renewal of the two-year term positions on the Board of Directors of the will take place in the first week of March next to come. The exact day, time and place where the voting will take place will be announced in coming days. In any case, need to vote 'present a valid ID (driver's license, identity card or passport).

are allowed to vote and candidates are all members (founders, ordinary or orchestra) regular members of the Association and with payments to the date of the vote.

Applications must be formalized by presenting possible until February 20 the form available by clicking:


duly completed and signatures of eight members (not candidate) supporting it as a candidate. The module will be delivered by hand, in a sealed envelope, to Mr. Roberto Piscitelli and Antonio Uras.

IMPORTANT: each member is not a candidate can only support one candidate.

The vote is secret and each voter can express a single preference by placing a cross on the candidate's name in the list on the card. The counting of votes will be made public at the offices of votes at the end of polling. The Board of Directors

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stomach Pain Peeing All The Ime

Rankings 31/01/2009

The lists resulting from hearings held on the day in a row orchestra 31/01/2009 are available at:


remember that:

1) the minimum score set by the Commission for the attainment of the suitability and 71/100.

2) eligible candidates who were already at the date of the orchestra members are automatically renewed in their social

charge 3) The other candidates may submit valid application for registration as members Orchestral Association in the manner that will set their email in the coming days

4) As provided by art. 3 of the Internal Regulations of the Orchestra, the musicians considered "unfit" can enroll However the association as ordinary members and, where necessary, work with the Orchestra Added